Monday, May 14, 2012

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This topic is a very disturbing one, so I encourage you to pray as you read this. It deals with sexual visitations of two demon powers that come in the night season.

Pastoral evidence shows that many women have experienced sexual attacks by the incubi demons, although it’s rarely discussed. Many ministers and pastors refute the possibility of a demon having sex with a human. However, biblically and pastorally the evidence is there.

The names “incubus” and “succubus” are familiar terms in psychiatry where dreams of being sexually harassed are identified with these. In fact this isn’t really a psychological problem, or even one to do with nightmares. The incubi and succubi are demonic forces that sexually visit their victims at night. The incubus is a “male” demon who attacks and violates woman, and the succubi is a “female” demon who seduces and attacks men. In some cases it’s be known that the male incubi demon will visit men for the purpose of sodomy. The succubi also will engage in lesbian attacks upon women.

I’m writing about this because many Christians believe that these visitations are nothing more than horrid nightmares. In some cases it seems that the nightmare (which is from the Latin meaning to “lie upon”) is just that – a bad dream. But occasionally this is nothing to do with bad dreams, but can be an actual demonic visitation. The attacks from these spirits may begin by the victim having sexually arousing dreams, but that’s only a vehicle for what comes next. I’ve written a small e-book on the subject that explains the history and methods of attack by these demons. It also gives practical advice on how to defeat these demons in the name of Jesus.

Here I want to confine the discussion to dreams, and how demons will use these. Basically if a person has a loose mind, one that is prone to fantasize, and lacks self-discipline, they may become a target for these powers. Those who have indulged in excessive sexual activity are also likely to experience such visitations.

These by themselves are not the only factors that will draw a night demon to visit, as such issues as occult involvement and unconfessed sexual sin will also determine whether a person is a candidate. Therefore it’s important to guard your dream-life by committing your time of sleep to the Lord.

A night demon will often approach a woman on her own at night, bringing with it the ability to sexually arouse her. The attack is quite direct, but it may start with a dream of some sort that quickly turns into a nightmare. Depending on what has allowed the incubi to come, the woman may begin to feel an actual weight on the bed with her, or even upon her own body. In advanced stages the defilement by the demon is as real as a normal physical sexual encounter, although much more violent.

After some sort of sexually unpleasant experience has occurred the woman will feel great shame and much fear. Unable to confide in her husband or a friend, the problem only compounds – these demons thrive on the secrecy this kind of attack fosters. Night and sleep become times of great anxiety for the woman, and her dream-life becomes a time of nightmarish proportions.

In the case of the succubi attack upon a man, the method of attack is nearly always through the mind. The demon will implant sexually impure thoughts allowing the mind of the man to fantasize until he’s unable to resist the images that come.

When a man is under this kind of attack he’s likely to think the experience was just a dream. Some men, especially young men, think it’s just part of their manhood development. The thoughts of sexually attractive women, combined with an actual experience of sexual satisfaction, only lead the man deeper into the trap. It’s often only later that he realizes this is no longer a dream but an actual physical experience. Confusion can then grip him and he’s torn between finding the experience satisfying, and yet fearful at the same time.

It’s imperative that we understand these demons principally use dreams as a first method of attack. So guarding our dream-life is vital.

The average born-again believer shouldn’t worry unnecessarily about these attacks as the demons can only operate if there’s a legal ground for them to do so. Living a righteous life before the Lord is the best protection. But if there’s unconfessed sexual sin, or unsavoury sexual practices, as well as a weak mind with a lack of self-discipline, then the prospects will increase for a visitation.

Medical researchers have found what they consider as abnormal sleep patterns from people supposedly suffering from nightmares. In most cases the similarity with attacks from incubi and succubi are striking. Generally psychologists don’t believe there are any such things as evil spirits so the responses they collect from nightmare sufferers are regarded as paranoid or psychotic-like behaviour.

However for Christians who are aware of these demonic powers the responses the sufferers give are more like statements of a demonic attack!




Feelings of malevolence; paranoid fantasies, “He is watching everything”, “It’s alive…”; Hybrid (a mixture of human and animal) creatures in the dream.

Bleeding uterus; the mind flooded with anxiety.

Feels her anatomy is vulnerable to attack.

Vivid fantasies of violence combined with sexual fantasies; a sense of mutilation of the private organs.

Pre-occupation with anatomy and sex.

Malevolent response; “medieval drawing of demons” come into the mind.

While this doesn’t prove that these nightmares were actual demonic attacks, the content is very similar to demon intrusion. Note some of the things seen in the nightmares, such as:

Sensing a malevolent presence
Seeing hybrid creatures
Having a sense of extreme vulnerability
The deliberate drawing of demons to a person.

Many Christians including ministers and pastors simply don’t believe these things happen. In over 30 years in ministry I’ve counselled a number of people, usually women, who’ve experienced vivid attacks from unseen but very “real” spiritual beings who’ve sexually violated them. In many cases dreams or nightmares have been a part of the initial attack. We need to be more pastorally sensitive about this issue, and more discerning of the dream-state.


Here I’ve listed some things to watch for in dreams that might indicate either an incubus or succubus attack.

1 Are there recurring sexual fantasies?

2 Is there sexual symbolism in the dream?

3 If you’re a female do you feel a weight on the bed or on your body during your sleep?

4 If you’re a male have you felt the physical sensations of sex?

5 As far as you’re aware, do these begin with a dream?

6 After the dream, do you wake up feeling shame and fear?

7 Is there both a mixture of enjoyment yet uncleanliness (particularly in the case of men)?

8 Are you beginning to dread going off to sleep?

9 Have the visits begun to materialize in the room and not just appear in your dream?


Experiencing some of these points to the strong possibility that you’re the victim of an attack from a night demon. In my e-book I explain how to deal with these intrusions. There is help in the name of the Lord Jesus but it’s also important to understand why these demons come.

I introduce this distasteful topic because it’s a subject we need to be aware of.

For the record, I’ve found that victory in the name of Jesus is assured and lasting. But many people are very reluctant to share their experiences because of shame or ridicule. Those of us who are in the pastoral ministry need to be aware of this particular problem – and how to set the victims free.

For further reading and insights you might like to purchase our e-book “Incubus and Succubus” from the on-line Bookstore.


Incubus and Succubus – Sex Demons of the Night

This is the number one most researched topic on my blog so I paid special attention to this page. I received the highest number of comments on this topic on my former blog site. It seems that people are really hungry for understanding of and deliverance from this issue. I once suffered from these attacks myself, so I know how frustrating it can be. That is why I am so glad to be able to share this information with you. It has already helped a lot of people. I pray that it will help many more.


According to the definition for these two spirits is as shown below:

Incubus: 1: An evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep; especially one that has sexual intercourse with women while they are sleeping.

Succubus: A demon assuming female form to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep.

These are just basic, secular definitions of these two spirits which are also commonly referred to as “sex demons” or “night demons”. These demons are primarily spirits of sexual perversion. Whenever we are talking about demons, always remember not to put too much merit into the common names that they are called by. Spirits go by many names; even God and satan are identified by numerous names and titles in the Bible. Night demons are no more than spirits of lust. They are a powerful, high-ranking class of demons.


Maybe you are wondering how it is possible for demon spirits to have intercourse with humans. Throughout the Bible there is plenty of evidence that spirits can take on some type of physical form and function as such. In the book of Genesis chapter 6 it reads, “1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, anddaughters were born unto them, 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.” This means in laymen’s terms that demon spirits had sex with human women. Satan, who is a spirit, took on the physical form of a serpent and spoke to Eve (Rev 12:9, Gen 3:1-4). We see another case where God and some angels also took on physical forms and functioned as human beings. If you read in Genesis, all of chapter 18 and chapter 19 through verses 23 (I suggest the New Living Translation for better understanding) you will find proof of this. In the text, The Lord and two angels manifest themselves as human beings. They actually talk, eat, rest, walk, have their feet washed and even sleep. This is proof that spirits can manifest themselves in physical form. There are other scriptures that make reference to this point as well. So there is no need to be mystified by these spirits; there is no question in my mind as to whether or not these spirits do indeed exist. As a matter-of-fact, I know by virtue of my own personal experience that they do exist. The encounters that people share about sex demons are actual experiences, as opposed to schizophrenic episodes which is how doctors try de-validating these experiences.

Whether or not you are being attacked by these spirits is usually pretty obvious. They manifest themselves to your conscious mind and cause you to experience all of the stimulation and physical feelings that take place during intercourse or sexual contact with a physical person. People are sometimes mystified by these spirits. The demons most often reveal themselves to people during the night-time hours, but can manifest themselves at any time of the day. Many people claim to actually see spirit bodies that come and subject them to various sexual acts. These spirits are often violent and will attack you – beating, choking and restraining you. They may even disturb things in your home and break things. Think of them as you would an extremely abusive sex partner or rapist and you will start to get a picture of what these spirits are all about.

Another effect these spirits have on people is causing overwhelming sexual urges in the body. You will know that you are being attacked by demons if the sexual urges are so strong that they completely take over your mind. This can happen at any time but tend to be most common when you are lying down. You cannot think about anything else and it seems like nothing you do to make the urges go away work (i.e. a cold shower, involving yourself in another activity, shifting positions, etc.). It would seem that the only relief for the urge is to have an orgasm by any means necessary. Sometimes you will have the orgasm spontaneously and they are usually stronger than usual. If you have these types of urges THEY ARE NOT NORMAL. Now please understand that I am not saying that every powerful sexual urge in the body is due to a demonic manifestation. Strong sexual urges can be purely hormonal; or just good old-fashioned arousal at the thought of enjoying intercourse with your lover. When sexual urges come on suddenly without warning; at times that seem inappropriate; or without any external stimuli; and you simply cannot control them without having an intense battle, that is when you know they are demonic.

This class of demon is also responsible for sex dreams: those are dreams during which you are engaged in sexual contact or intercourse, or dreams in which your body has a spontaneous orgasm. And one much less obvious manifestation is nightmares – realistic, graphic, heart-stopping nightmares that rob you of sleep and make you awake frightened.


Looking at Genesis 6 once again we learn that the assignment of these demons is to impregnate you, “4In those days, and even afterward, giants lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with human women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes mentioned in legends of old.” In this scripture we learn that when these demons had sex with these women that the women became pregnant and gave birth to abnormal children – perversions of nature. Incubus and Succubus are the same class of demon that operated in those times, only now they are looking to impregnate you with spiritual perversion.

Once the spirits get you sexually aroused or subdue you through violence, you let your conscious guards and defenses down. They are then able to plant their evils in yoursubconscious mind, where it will go unnoticed for a long time, while actively causing major damage. It is similar to how a woman who is enjoying intercourse completely gives herself to the man and allows him to plant in her anything that comes out of him. Or even how a girl who is being molested, gives herself over to the control of the molester. Once his seed is inside, she does not know where it goes or what it does, but it could be actively changing her in major ways. She may have conceived or even contracted an STD, but she will not know it for quite some time.

Just as your natural body is fatigued after intercourse, an encounter with an incubus or succubus spirit will usually leave you feeling emotionally and spiritually drained, because they steal virtue from you. In place of what they steal, they impregnate you with their seeds of perversion and lust. Remembering again the analogy of the abusive boyfriend or rapist, know that these spirits want to control you, subdue and make you feel worthless. Although they are skilled at causing extreme sexual pleasure, they make you feel miserable in every other way. The ecstasy that you experience with these spirits is usually exceedingly more intense that natural sex and is highly addictive. This induces guilt because of the pleasure your body experiences, lowering your resistance even more.

The purpose of them causing nightmares is to impregnate you with fear, therefore perverting your faith. One reason for this is that fear induces a desire to seek out comfort. Sexual activity, especially sexual fantasy and masturbation, bring about a temporary sense of false comfort. Therefore, by inducing fear these lust demons cause you to be that much more likely to commit sexually perverse acts. But even more so than that, without faith it is impossible to please God. Which means to pervert your faith is to literally undermine your entire relationship with God and purpose for living. If it is true that all things are possible to them that believe, then the opposite is also true. Without faith we cannot believe anything, which means we cannot accomplish anything because nothing is possible to us in our subconscious minds. People that are afflicted by these spirits will experience a tremendous amount of failure and may even feel “cursed” with bad luck. It is not bad luck – it is simply that your belief system has been perverted.


Remember, my main point is that night demons are simply spirits of sexual lust. So bearing that in mind, let’s consider what lust really is.

1. Lust is a desire for illegal pleasure.

2. Lust is the willingness to meet a natural and legal need or desire in an illicit or sinful way.

For example, to eat is a need for every human being; but to fulfill that need through gluttony (overeating) is lust. To want nice things is a natural desire; but to be willing to meet that desire through dishonesty and trickery is lust. There is nothing sinful about our natural God-given sexual urges; but to fulfill those urges through masturbation and/or sexual perversion is lust. So bottom line – LUST IS SIN – and - SIN IS DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD’S LAW OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.

This is what most people miss in the struggle for deliverance from night demons. There is some open door of disobedience in your life if these spirits are still able to afflict your body. Now for some people, to refer to these sexual lust demons as an “especially named spirit” draws the person into a “victim mindset”. There are so many people who love to be the victim. They don’t want to participate in their deliverance. They just want to continue to feel sorry for themselves and want you to feel sorry for them too: “Oh these big, ol’ bad incubus spirits rape me every night…” I’m not saying everyone, but a lot of people who approach me about night demons are this way.

Truth be told though, no spirit can “rape” you unless you give them access to your body. Unless you are literally in-dwelt by a demon, no demon can access your physical body unless you allow it to. The open door may not have anything to do with sexuality at all. Any type of disobedience can give demons access to your body for its use. For people who are actively and willfully living in sexual sin, the open door is apparent. It’s the people who are doing what they believe to be right before the Lord but are yet still struggling with these spirits that are the most perplexed. They don’t understand why their tactics for deliverance are not working.

Well please understand that the bible says, “All that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life.” The term “world” in this scripture means “the sin nature of the flesh and the carnal life as being separated from submission to God’s Holy Spirit and His Will”: This is lust, this is sin, and this is disobedience to God. Even if one does not act on a lustful desire, you have still sinned just if the desire is in your heart. This of course doesn’t mean just a fleeting thought of sin, but it means that somewhere in your heart you desire and are willing to carry out a sinful act – you gave it “thoughtful consideration”.

If you are truly serious about getting delivered from night demons then you are going to have to take accountability for not being in your place of authority over these spirits and allowing them access to you through your actions. You have to be willing to really examine your hearts and your lifestyle in the light of God’s truth, and find that open door. Then slam that door shut for good and be free indeed in the freedom of Christ Yeshua (Jesus)!!! Let me help you by listing for you these common, but often overlooked and not understood, doors for night demons.

Fornication - Fornication is a word that can cover any type or act of perversion including adultery, incest, homosexuality, etc… You relinquish your authority over sexual lust when you willfully involve yourself with sexual perversion.

Masturbation - Masturbation is particularly inviting when it comes to the invasion of night demons because through masturbation you sin against your own body and subject it to evil. You become a slave to sin through masturbation.

Pornography - Pornography is also particularly damaging when it comes to these attacks. Pornography is an act that specifically aims to contaminate your mind. The reason that these spirits come primarily at night is because our conscious minds shut down when we are tired and when we are sleeping. It thus leaves us vulnerable to their control and weakens our resistance to evil. Whatever we fill our minds with during our waking hours is what will reign over us while we sleep!

Unforgiveness/Bitterness - Unforgiveness cuts you off from God’s grace and therefore His ultimate protection. Bitterness gives access to every demon of hell to invade your temple and your life!

Carnality - Spending too much time doing non-spiritual activities — even if those activities are not sinful. Any activity that does not purposefully and deliberately build and edify your spirit in the things of God is carnal activity. Remember, we are vulnerable in our minds during the night hours or times of fatigue. That is when we must totally rely on the strength of our spirit man to keep us from evil. If we don’t build our spirit man up then it will not be strong enough to yield to the Holy Spirit and access His empowerment.

Fear/Doubt - Having fear and doubt in your life opens the door to these spirits because they thrive on fear and aim to increase fear in your life. They want you to be afraid because fear paralyzes you and robs you of your faith, which ultimately robs you of your relationship with God and your purpose.

Witchcraft - The Bible says that rebellion is as witchcraft. Rebellion is another word for Disobedience, so in all simplicity witchcraft is to go against God’s way to do it your own way. There are many manifestations of witchcraft that are overlooked such as - astrology, superstitions, chain letters, etc… An especially common but overlooked form of witchcraft is manipulation; manipulating our children and spouses and others that are close to us is so common and it leaves the door open for night demons to attack!

Molestation - Being molested open doors in three ways. First, it often attaches spirits of perversion to the victim. Secondly, it subjects the victim to a mindset of victimization. In other words, you constantly see yourself as a victim. Remember night demons are sexual aggressors and they want you to feel victimized. Thirdly, molestation is another doorway to fear in your life.

Abuse – Remember that these spirits are likened to abusive spouses and rapists, meaning that be a victim of domestic abuse can definitely introduce these spirits into your life. An abusive situation is a very comfortable environment for such demons.

Emotional Wounds - I say again that these demons are taking advantage of weaknesses. Being wounded leaves us weak and therefore leaves us vulnerable to these attacks. That is why it is so important to be healed.

Soul Ties - If you are soul tied to someone, or something, or some place; that causes you to be spiritually weak, or that is subject to sexual perversion or fear; you have now created an open door for night demons. I’ll have to do an article on soul ties, but for now let me just say that when your soul is tied there is easy transfer to and from the thing that you are tied to.

Spiritual Warfare - The last thing that The Holy Spirit revealed to me is about spiritual warfare. Bearing in mind once again that night demons take advantage of the vulnerability that is a factor when we are sleeping, you have to remember that spiritual warfare causes spiritual weakness. We must be properly replenished in Word and in Worship after engaging in spiritual warfare – this is especially the case when we are warring specifically against spirits of sexual perversion!


Some people think it is fun to be visited by these demons, while enjoying the intense sexual pleasure that they give you. They are very skilled at causing you to feel ecstasy. They are very dangerous though and the consequences of an encounter with them can be utterly detrimental to you spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

It is important to remember that one of the first keys to deliverance from anything is understanding your enemy! As I prayed and studied, not for deliverance but forunderstanding of my enemy, that is when I finally was able to receive the revelation of what I must do in order to get total deliverance. Whether the incubus/succubus spirit is “inside of you”, or oppressing you from without is not a major factor in how to go about deliverance. The process is still the same, although it may be a bit more intense and drawn out for someone who has many of these spirits, and/or for someone who is literally “inhabited” by them.

Remembering that the purpose of an incubus/succubus spirit is to impregnate you, the main key to deliverance is to abort and/or kill that which they have successfully planted in you. The casting out or sending away of these spirits will do nothing to tear down the strongholds that they have successfully built in your life! Therefore, after casting out/binding/rebuking/renouncing/sending away the spirits — do the same to all their offspring and seeds.

Sex demons want to impregnate you with fear which will pervert your faith. They want to impregnate you with lust which will cause you to desire evil things to satisfy and fulfill your soul. They want to impregnate you with different spirits of perversion, especially those of a sexual nature, so you will help their cause by committing sexually perverse acts with others and transfer their seeds. Lastly, they want to impregnate you with rebellion which will lead to an interest in all forms of witchcraft. First it will be the more subtle forms – like manipulation for “good” reasons, horoscopes, and superstitions. It will then escalate to more moderate forms – palm readings, communicating with stars, and good luck charms and trinkets. Finally it will develop into full-fledged satanism – communicating with the dead, calling for assistance from demon spirits and so much more. The assignment of every demon ultimately, is to completely disconnect you from Yahweh God and see you eternally damned!

So here are the steps to deliverance:

1) You must renounce not only the incubus and succubus spirits that have entered into your life, but you must renounce their works. You need to verbally destroy and renounce and murder everything that they have conceived within you and caused you to give birth to. If you fail to do this they will always have access to you.

2) Depending on your level of bondage and what you are involved in sexually, it may take some time and effort to get complete deliverance. It is likely that after step 1 you will have other encounters. If you do have an encounter with a night demon – IMMEDIATELY ABORT WHAT THEY HAVE PLANTED YOU. Think of it as taking a “morning after pill”.

3) DON’T EVER LET AN ATTACK CARRY ON WITHOUT CHALLENGING THE SPIRITS! When an attack begins, say verbally and out loud something like, “I know what you are and what you are here for and I renounce you in Jesus name! My body does not belong to you. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I do not receive your seed into me and will not give birth to your offspring of evil!” As long as you don’t have any obvious open doors in your life, this will usually immediately bring under subjection any assault that takes place while you are awake. This includes those incredibly overwhelming sexual urges that come over you and cause you to have spontaneous orgasms or commit an act of perversion such as masturbation, pornography, or fornication.

As a side note to this step, sexual urges that are not demonic, a simple “mind over matter” approach is sufficient – think about something else, or involve yourself in an activity that requires you to concentrate on what you’re doing. Also, don’t kid yourself! Don’t expect this to work if you are still willfully watching pornography, horror films, listening to sex filled secular music, watching soap operas, reading horoscopes, etc… Demons don’t like to be challenged, they are seeking rest. You offer no challenge to them if you live a willfully carnal and sinful lifestyle — you become a place of rest for them and they ain’t leaving (slang intended)!

4) For those attacks that occur while you are sleeping, renounce these spirits before you lay down and purpose in your subconscious mind to wake up if you start to have a sex dream or nightmare. When you wake up, IMMEDIATELY ABORT ANYTHING THAT THEY MAY HAVE PLANTED IN YOU! This is so important. You cannot let their seeds grow in you. KILL THE SEED! And DO NOT REPEAT what you have dreamed about to at all (unless briefly when in a counseling situation)!!! They want you to speak it out because the power of life is in your tongue. Speaking it out gives birth to it. The words you say after an encounter can either give life to their seed, or bring death to their seed and that is why usually your first unction is to tell someone about it. Furthermore, don’t rehearse the dream in your mind. Cast down the very thought of it from your conscious and subconscious mind. This is so important (and remember this applies to nightmares too).

5) IT IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU CONSECRATE YOURSELF!!! Every spirit must be cast out of your life and every door closed as much as you are capable of doing. That means that you do not willfully involve yourself in anything at all that is sinful or ungodly. When you do fall or make a mistake, you must repent and get up quickly. Not that you will be perfect — no one is — but every sinful and carnal area of your life must be challenged to the max! This is especially true when you are in the midst of a deliverance process. That means that you should commit to fasting and praying, but also omit every evil influence from your life — people, places, things, habits and ESPECIALLY the MEDIA.

6) Get and study the books, “STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons”, and “The Spirits of Sexual Perversion Handbook”. If you are experiencing these attacks, it makes it apparent that you do not have a full understanding of sexual perversion and how to walk in total deliverance. Remember that any weakness in your life will invite these spirits in to attack. You need to have a complete and full understanding of sexual intimacy, sexual activity, and sexual perversion – what it is, the purpose for it, and the remedy. You will learn this in these two books. No sexual stronghold will be able to stand in your life once you learn and apply the principles in these two books. Furthermore, understanding these teachings will help you develop your intimate relationship with God and strengthen all of your relationships.

7) Lastly I remind you once again that incubus/succubus are lust demons. Lust is a force that is ever-present in the earth realm and therefore is not something that you can say, “I will never face this again.” Everyone is subject to the temptations and pressures of lust because it is the passion of satan’s heart, and he is the prince of the world. Not everyone will fall victim, but everyone is subject! Even after you are delivered, anytime that you are spiritually weak it is possible – not likely, but possible – for you to have an encounter with a night demon. If this does happen once you are delivered, just remember to implement the steps above and watch your level of consecration always. You especially want to be mindful of the media that you expose yourself to, the people who you are around and any subtle forms of witchcraft that may be in your life (like horoscopes or manipulation).

I know these steps will work because they worked for me!

In the Power of Love,

Dr. Intimacy

Prolific Author and Speaker Specializing in Sex, Intimacy and Relationships from a Holistic Perspective – Spirit, Soul & Body


STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons

I want to school you on STDs – no, not “sexually transmitted diseases”. I’m talking about spiritual STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons! Did you know that demonic spirits can be transferred to you during sex and/or sexual activity? Did you ever notice how people change once they begin to have sex? You probably have taken note of it in a friend or relative in the past, but never equated it to sexual activity. Just think about it, your cousin Quan’teeka starts dating Bone Thug from the block and after a couple of weeks you say to her,“Girl, you’ve changed.” Or maybe even in your own life, you took on a new love and your friends and family kept telling you that you changed, even though you couldn’t see the changes!

You probably relate to what I am saying, but probably have always equated such changes just to the new relationship itself and not the reality of STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons. Every demon has a nature and specific corresponding characteristics. That is why groups of people who have no connection to each other but that are infested with the same type of demonic spirit, behave in very similar ways. We call them “stereotypes” but they are nothing less than “familiar spirits” that shape the character and personality of those that they influence. Hmmm… that’s something to think about, isn’t it?

When two people have sex, those two people become one. The same way that the physical bodies of the man and woman lock together and become one interlocked unit, so do their soul and spirit bodies. Every human being consists of three distinct bodies — spirit, soul and flesh – that function in unity with one another, as one unit. Each of those bodies operate in a different realm and each impacts the interactions of your entire human experience. Sexual activity causes two people to connect and become one in all three realms, thus allowing for the transmission of demonic spirits from one person to the other – the same way that sexual activity allows for the transmission of venereal diseases, such as chlamydia, herpes and HIV, from one person to another.

What I am trying to get you to understand is that those changes that take place in your life after you get into a sexual relationship with someone are not a coincidence! They are a direct result of sexually transmitted demons. Have you ever done or said something that you found very uncharacteristic for yourself and thought, “Where in the world did that come from?”This happens as a result of different demonic spirits that we pick up, usually through sex. The unfortunate thing about it is that most people are completely oblivious to the reality of spiritual STDs, and even once they do become aware of them; it is often too little too late.

You may think that you can pick up a sexually transmitted demon and just go to the spiritual free clinic (church), and get a dose spiritual antibiotics (prayer) and go on about your business, unaffected by what you’ve done. But this is not so. Just as there are some sexually transmitted diseases that there are no cure for, there are some sexually transmitted demons that will stay with you indefinitely. Some venereal diseases cause permanent damage to the body such as impotence, erectile dysfunction, uterine pain, cervical and prostate cancer and worst of all – sterility (not being able to produce offspring)! Sexually transmitted demons can have the same impact on your destiny and purpose in the spirit realm!!!

I really want you to think about this carefully. We often take sex so frivolously, regarding it as just a physical act. But I assure you that sex is much more spiritual than it is physical and even if you can use a condom to prevent the transmission of natural STDs, there is no condom to protect yourself from the transmission of spiritual STDs. Abstinence is the only way – preserving sex for the confines of Holy Matrimony.

If you want to know more about sexually transmitted demons, you need to pick up my book. It is entitled, “STDs: Sexually Transmitted Demons”. Find out how to buy it on the Books page.

In the Power of Love,

Dr. Intimacy

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Before going to sleep,pray this:
In Jesus name,I cover myself and all my property with the blood of Jesus. I take authority over all demons of the night,bad dreams,nightmares,and sex dreams,and anyone or anything trying to get into my dreams,and I command them to stay away. I ask for giant warrior angels to protect me and my property as I sleep,through the night and the day. I ask for a fiery wall of protection around me.


Father,in Jesus name, I bind all demons of the night,nightmares,bad dreams,torment,sleeplessness,sex dreams,torture. I command these demons to loose me and come out of me,and I ask that You protect my mind while I sleep,in Jesus name.

Wrestling with Sexual Demons in the Night?

Have you ever been attacked in the night by sexual demons?
These sexual demonic demons are called Incubus and Succubus. Why the two names?

Incubus attack women and succubus attack men in the night hour.

The definitions came from Webster’s Dictionary.

Incubi – Demonic sexual attack on females; may be caused by sexual sins, witchcraft spells, curses of lust, inherited curses, can attack children. It is an unclean spirit that defiles you in the night.

Succubi - demonic sexual attacks on males, may be caused by the same as Incubi above

These are evil spirits that have intercourse with people in the night while asleep and are generally dreaming, or in dreamlike/trancelike states.

These sexual spirits are tormenting and can feel as though you are being molested. Most attacks are at night and the person its awakened by fondling hands, caressing hot lips and tongue, and other forms of lust inducing stimulation. Every kind of abnormal and deviate sexual experience can be generated by these evil spirits which are unclean spirits.

Why does this happen?

This happens because of an open door.

Sexual abuse;
Reading or watching pornography;
Internet sex;
Sex outside a marriage;
didn’t take control of sexual thoguhts; and
house being out of order*;
*When the house is out of order, there is confusion but not only that, the husband is the front man to stop the demonic and when the women steps in front of the husband, the house is out of order and out of God’s proper order according to Eph. 6.

Once you know what the open door is in your life to bring in sexual spirits or we could say unclean spirits that are causing this, then repent and renounce for yourself, for your generations on both sides of your family back 4 generations back. Cast out the unclean spirits, spirits of shame and guilt (tell the spirits they have no legal right because you have repented for them) that have come in through you or through your generations.

If you have been a victim of sexual abuse, then forgive the people that violated you, forgive yourself for participating even if you are innocent. It closes the door on accusation from the enemy on you. Also, make sure you are not mad at god for this happening.

Prov. 26:2 a curse causeless cannot come. That means if all doors are shut, then it has no legal right to you. If you have or your generations have opened the door and they have not repented for their sins, then it has legal right to bring torment. When renounced in your generations (generational curses), it should close the doors and breaking curses.

Prayer to Break the Sexual Demonic Spirits at Night!

Prayer, father God, I repent and renounce opening the door to sexual diviation outside of marriage regardless if on the computer, tv, books, sexual abuse, sexual partners out of marriage, etc. I ask for your forgiveness and now I ask you to cleanse me with your blood. I forgive those who ever violated me from my heart and tear up the note against them.

Now, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I come against all unclean sexual demons, incubus and succubus, unloving spirits, and command these spirits to come up and out of me now and go to dry places by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Father God, cover me at night and protect me with your ministering angels according to Ps. 91. Cover me with your pinions and hide me.

by: Traci Morin, Christian Public Speaker, Writer Ordained Minister of the Gospel

From INCUBUS AND SUCCUBUS These are evil spirits that lay on top of an individual during sleep, especially having sexual intercourse with an individual while they are sleeping. They are spirits that oppressor burden a person like a nightmare. Incubus attacks females, while Succubus attacks males. These spirits operate through witchcraft spells, sexual sin, perversion, and curses of lust (whoredom). They are filthy spirits causing lustful dreams followed by tormenting the individual with guilt and condemnation. Chemosh (1 Kings 11:7, 33)—demon god ofthe Moabites whose name means subduer,depressor, vanquisher, an incubus, concealed,yearning fire, a hearth. Moab and Ammon were born of incest between Lot and his daughters (Genesis 19:30-38). Break the curses of Moab and Ammon,Perversion, Incest, and Whoredom and command the spirit of Chemosh and other related spirits to come out. By John Eckhardt